Statement of Gross Revenues Canada Canadian Statement of Gross Revenues Month Ending*Select MonthJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberYear*Select Year201720182019202020212022Studio Number*Select Studio Number884902928956960969975976977982988100110021005100610091015Studio Name*Select Studio NameAIRDRIEASPEN LANDINGCREEKSIDEFISH CREEKFORT MCMURRAYKENSINGTONLETHBRIDGEMAPLEMARKHAMMCKENZIE TOWNEOTTAWA (BAYSHORE)OTTAWA (MERIVALE)OTTAWA (TRAINYARD)RED DEERUPTOWNWEST EDMONTON MALLWOODBRIDGEName First Last Email* Total Department Sales*(Canadian Dollars)ExemptionsThe following categories are not subject to royalty and will be subtracted from the total department sales.DepositsGift Cards SoldShippingFood and BeverageNon RoyaltyServicesTotal Sales Applicable to Royalty*5% of Total Sales (.05 x Total Sales)Marketing Materials Development Fund Fee 1% Due (.01 x Total Sales)Information Services Fee*$115 Monthly / $100 HourlyTechnology Bundle*If you are a multiple studio owner, you may deduct $29 from your additional locations if you have all locations under a single account. Product Name Quantity Price: $35.00 Quantity Total $0.00 CreditsCredits may include Customer Feedback Coupons and Gift Certificates. Details of credits must be provided. CreditsCredit Detail:* CreditsCredit Detail:* CreditsCredit Detail:* Total Amount Due and Payable to CMME*(Canadian Dollars) Upload Detailed Sales Report Here:*Accepted file types: jpg, gif, jpeg, png, pdf, xls, xlsx, doc, docx, csv, Max. file size: 128 MB.Instructions: Tender Report Here:Accepted file types: jpg, gif, jpeg, png, pdf, xls, xlsx, doc, docx, csv, Max. file size: 128 MB.Tender Report is needed if the studio has accepted Groupon, Living Social, or other Tender Types. Under penalty of perjury, I certify that the above amount constitutes a complete, true, and accurate total of all credit card, cash, and online transactions subject to royalty.