Resale Opt In Form The CMM Resale Program aims to help franchisees find success in exiting and selling their studio when the time comes. This Opt-In form officially enrolls a Seller/Franchisee into the CMM Resale Program to start the process of selling their studio. By completing this Opt-In form, you acknowledge and agree to working together with the CMM Franchise Recruitment team to ensure that potential Buyer candidates have access to critical information on your business and to ensure the process continues to progress. You can pull your business from the CMM Resale Program at any time by notifying CMM in writing. You are responsible for setting your own sale price. You’ll be responsible for any fees outlined in your Franchise Agreement. You must be current and compliant with your CMM Franchise Agreement. There are fees associated with the sale that must be paid from proceeds and certain records CMM needs you to provide in order to facilitate the sale. The amount of time it takes depends on several factors including sale price, the business growth and health, and the existence of qualified buyers. Your franchise agreement does not transfer to the new buyer. A buyer will be signing a new franchise agreement with Color Me Mine that may include a different royalty structure, territory, or other key terms than you currently have in your franchise agreement.Consent(Required) Yes, I am enrolling in the CMM Resale ProgramConsent(Required) Yes, I understand there are currently no facilitation fees due to CMM other than if there is a lead source fee/commission applicable to the particular Buyer.Consent(Required) Yes, I understand there may be fees outside the program including, but not limited to the “Transfer Fee” outlined in my Franchise Agreement and a fee for a 3rd party evaluation (If I choose to obtain one), etc.Consent(Required) Yes, I understand that any current amount due to CMM is due prior to closing. This could include royalties, notes, or other amounts.Enrollment Executed by:Signature(Required)Name(Required) First Last Studio Location(Required)Entity Name(Required)Date(Required) Month Day Year